Personal and Political: A Micro-history of the "Red Column" Collective Farm, 1935-36
Such a micro-historical approach reveals the importance of popular opinion, attitudes, and behavior on collective farms and the level of control that collective farmers had over shaping the implementation of state policies. This paper enables one to appreciate that peasants knew well how to manipulate official labels, such as kulak or class enemy, as weapons to achieve goals of local and personal importance. It enriches the historiography by offering a different way to appreciate peasant attitudes and behavior, and collective farm life in the mid 1930s.
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The State Archive of Social and Political History of the Kirov Olast’ (GASPI KO)
f. 1255- Kirov Regional Party Committee 1933-1936
The Center for the Documentation of Modern History of the Udmurt Republic (TsDNI YR)
f. 16- The Udmurt Republic (Oblast’) Party Committee 1921-1991
f. 315- The Debesskii District Party Committee 1929–1962, 1965–1991
Newspapers and Books
Kniga Pamiatniki, Vol 3, Izhevsk, Udmurtiia 1994
Tractor, the Udmurt newspaper of the Debessy District 1937
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